Original Music
Composer / Producer
Richard has been creating music for film and commercial projects for many years since completing the Film Scoring program at UCLA Extension. On his own, he’s continued to study every facet of music production in depth to remain competitive, and further develop his own unique identity as a composer.
In that same period, He has produced a number of album projects for artists and a multitude of smaller scale projects. The various artists that he’s worked with run the gamut from Jazz to Hip Hop, from Latin to Classical, and from R&B to Hard Rock. Being a producer makes Richard a better composer and vice versa. Of course, being an Engineer and Artist round out the mix even more.
One big advantage that Richard has is unrestricted access to one of the best equipped personal studios this side of Mulholland Drive, Pearl Music. Over the years he has put together a comprehensive collection of software and hardware music tools that cover every aspect of production.
Given the choice between scoring a “quality” film with an inspiring story versus a formula-driven film with a guaranteed payday, Richard will likely leave money on the table for the opportunity to be part of an artistically satisfying project. It’s not about “buying that new Porsche” but leaving a lasting positive impression on the cultural psyche.

My Three Avenues for Composing
I’m really passionate about scoring a good film, and that starts and ends with a great story. I’m open to film projects of all kinds. However, I try to select only projects that I know will inspire an awesome score. It’s not about the budget.
Composing as a stand-alone artform can be more challenging than scoring to picture, because it requires searching out inspiration. Who the audience is also weighs heavy, but in the end, you just hope your voice and skill will prevail.
I could never produce ten variations of the same thing to meet a demand. I view music as an art, which is why I’ve had day jobs much of my life. However, I believe there is always a place in media for a special piece of music.